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Everyday Magical Things ~ Runes

Runes, or Old Norse, are letters of a runic alphabet that were used to write Germanic languages before using Latin. The earliest runic inscriptions date back to 150 AD. The first inscriptions found on actual artifacts remain a mystery primarily. The old runes were not only a writing system but magical symbols for spells and charms. The name rune itself means “secret or something hidden.”

Each alphabet has its own set of symbols and meanings.

You can do a reading yourself! Get some runes; they can come carved into crystal or stone, or on ceramic tiles. Make a sacred space, lay down a cloth, and concentrate on asking a question. You can either toss a few of the runes in the air or pull some out of a bag while focusing on your question. Make sure your mind is fully focused and not drawing in different random thoughts. This makes reading much more clear and concise.

Ultimately, you can create your own system for how to read runes, but traditionally you would lay three out....

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Everyday Magical Things ~ Sculptures

For thousands of years, Sculptures have filled many roles in human life. The earliest sculptures were most likely made to supply magical help to hunters. After the dawn of civilization, statues began to be used to represent gods.

Ancient Kings, possibly in the hope of making themselves immortal, would have their likeness carved, and thus portrait sculpture was born as an art form. The Greeks were also particularly skilled in their sculptures, and they made statues that perfectly formed men and women down to the phi ratio.

Early Christians and Catholics would decorate churches with demons, gargoyles, and devils, reminders of the presence of evil for the many churchgoers who could neither read nor write. The Japanese would also make magnificent sculptures to honor the gods of nature, called Kami, and both Chinese and Japanese cultures would sculpt statues to banish evil forces from the environment.

One of the most renowned statues in the world today is David, sculpted by Michelangelo...

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